4 Reasons to Invest in Commercial Paving for Your Business

Posted on: 27 May 2021

When your customers arrive, they're greeted by your company's exterior spaces, including your parking lot and other paved areas. If your parking lot looks worn out or isn't sufficient for your parking needs, commercial paving will help you overhaul it so it meets your needs. Here are a few reasons to invest in commercial paving

1. You Can Adapt the Pavement to Your Needs

How you use your parking lot or paved area will impact the details of your commercial paving job. For example, if you have a lot of trucks transporting heavy materials, you'll need thicker pavement than a business that uses their paved area solely for customer traffic. In general, the more the pavement is used and the heavier the traffic, the thicker your pavement should be. 

Perhaps you use your paved areas for multiple uses, such as recreation and transportation. Your paving company will help you decide what materials and paving process are right for your company. 

2. It's Better for the Environment to Repave Your Paved Areas

One of the benefits of commercial repaving is that asphalt, one of the most common materials used for paving, can frequently be reused. As long as the base of your paved area is in good shape, your asphalt can be reused via a process known as milling.

After your paving company pulls up your old asphalt, they'll break it down and combine it with your new asphalt. This means that you'll reduce the amount of old materials and waste that you send to the landfill. 

3. Commercial Paving Can Improve Your Drainage

If it feels like your parking lot and surrounding areas fill with water every time heavy rain passes through, repaving your surfaces will help you fix this issue. When the paving company repaves your surfaces, they'll make sure that the ground is at the proper grade for optimal drainage. Should the ground not have the correct slope, this can cause water to pool instead of draining away from your business. 

4. Paving Fixes Minor Issues Before They Become Major Problems

Your current pavement might have a few cracks or even some small potholes. It's imperative to repair these issues before they turn into bigger problems. Over time, water will seep into these areas, eroding the pavement and causing more damage. If the water freezes, this will cause the crack or hole to expand in size due to the expansion of the water.

When these problems aren't fixed with commercial repaving, they can potentially damage the base of your paved area. Once your base is damaged, your repaving project is much more expensive and time-consuming. 
