Using Gravel For Your Driveway Or Walking Paths

Posted on: 7 June 2021

Gravel is an affordable and effective option when you are needing to pave your driveway or other areas of your property. However, you may not know all of the tips that you could be using when you are placing gravel over your driveway or along walking paths.

Make Sure You Are Using Enough Gravel For The Area

When you are applying gravel to the ground, it is important to make sure that it is deep enough. If the gravel is not at least an inch thick, it may not be able to provide the results that you were expecting. For example, the gravel could be more likely to erode or to allow plants to grow. While it can be difficult to accurately estimate the amount of gravel that you will need on your own, many suppliers will be able to assist you with these calculations if you can provide them with measurements for the area that is needing the gravel.

Use Edging To Keep The Gravel From Shifting Positions

A major problem with gravel can be that it may be prone to shifting positions. This can be in response to the pressure of individuals walking on it or the force of runoff from rainstorms. The use of edging along the perimeter of the gravel can substantially reduce this tendency so that the gravel can stay in place. In addition to having practical benefits, the edging can also add an aesthetic highlight to your property. Fortunately, the edging for your gravel can be extremely affordable, but you will have to make sure that it is securely placed in the ground if it is to have the maximum effect.

Remove Weeds That Take Root In The Gravel

Over time, you may find that there are some weeds or other plants that are able to take root in the gravel. Often, these will be plants that need little soil in order to be able to germinate and start growing. Removing these plants as soon as possible is important for protecting the integrity of your gravel path. If these plants are allowed to remain in place, they could start to overtake the gravel, which may require you to remove the gravel and completely replace it. In addition to removing these plants by hand, you can also apply herbicides that will be able to stop weeds from growing. These treatments will need to be applied periodically as they will gradually wash off of the gravel.

Reach out to a local paving contractor to learn more about how to use gravel.
