Why Should You Consider Grading Your Yard?

Posted on: 2 August 2021

If you're a homeowner, then you know that maintaining your yard can feel like a full-time job on top of upkeep and maintenance for the house itself. However, keeping your lawn in good shape is more than just a point of pride. Issues with your yard can potentially lead to structural problems, so it's critical to recognize when you're facing more than just a cosmetic grading problem.

Of course, you might choose to reslope for reasons that are both practical and aesthetic. In these cases, you'll need to know how you can adjust your yard's grade in a way that achieves your goals without threatening your foundation. Keep reading to learn about three reasons you might want to consider regrading and how you can do so in a way that's safe and long-lasting.

1. Foundation Issues

Drainage issues are one common cause of leaking basements. Water entering your basement can lead to mold issues and may even damage your foundation if given enough time. Most building codes require the land around a house to slope away, but erosion, poor landscaping, and other problems can cause your yard's grade to shift over time.

If you're facing basement flooding, then regrading may be one of the most cost-effective solutions. Adjusting the slope around your home can redirect drainage away from the foundation. Not only will this help prevent future floods, but it can save your foundation from damage that might require drastically more expensive repairs.

2. Landscaping Problems

Drainage can also be one of the most significant factors in landscaping around your house. Improper slopes might cause water to run directly into your garden beds, flooding them out and creating a soggy mess. Other common issues include pools of water on the lawn that can be breeding grounds for mosquitoes or heavy drainage causing shifts in driveway base layers.

You'll need a professional earthworks company to fix these problems effectively. Attempting to alter the drainage on your yard significantly can lead to unexpected issues, including pushing water back toward your home and foundation. An experienced company can help you solve your landscaping issues without damaging your home's structure in the process.

3. Home Additions and Remodeling

If you're adding on to your home or yard, you might need to regrade portions of your property. For example, you'll need to level the land while also creating an adequate slope any time you build an addition. Driveways, pools, and other outdoor features may also require you to adjust your yard's grade to solve issues related to erosion or drainage.

Adjusting the grade of your yard is about more than just moving some dirt around. If you think you need to regrade portions of your property, relying on expert help is the best way to get the job done without creating unintended consequences along the way. Contact a local earth grading service to learn more.
