Asphalt Emulsion Vs. Acrylic Seal Coat—Which Makes Sense For Your Driveway?

Posted on: 2 March 2023

Seal coating your driveway is the best way to help protect and beautify it, helping to ensure that it will last for many years with minimal repairs. However, not all seal coating options are the same. If your driveway needs a fresh coat of sealer, you'll need to make a few decisions about the type of seal coat you want to apply. 

Two common options for residential driveways are asphalt emulsion and acrylic sealer, with asphalt emulsion generally being the much more common choice. Which makes sense for your driveway? These three factors will help you decide!

1. Appearance

There's no denying that a freshly seal coated black driveway can look beautiful. While there are numerous practical benefits to seal coating your driveway, the fully restored appearance can be an extremely nice benefit. Traditional asphalt emulsion sealers can make your driveway look new again, covering up years of damage and environmental exposure.

However, acrylic sealers also have some real benefits in the appearance department. While these sealers come in traditional black, you can also get them in other colors to help personalize your driveway. Coloring additives for asphalt emulsion sealers are also available, but acrylic colors are typically longer-lasting and more durable.

2. Environmental Concerns

Asphalt is a surprisingly environmentally-friendly material. While most asphalt is petroleum-based, over 80% of the country's asphalt comes from recycled sources. As a result, using asphalt to pave driveways, roadways, and parking lots is a relatively sustainable practice. However, asphalt emulsion sealers can still release volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) and create unpleasant fumes.

In other words, you shouldn't have any major environmental concerns about seal coating your driveway. Still, acrylic sealers release even fewer harmful fumes, and their longer life span means you'll need to replace your seal coat less frequently. These advantages allow acrylic sealers to edge out traditional asphalt emulsions for environmental benefits.

3. Budget

Of course, decisions such as these often come down to money. Asphalt emulsion sealers are much cheaper than acrylic sealers, making them the obvious choice if you're working on a tight budget. Of course, acrylic sealers also offer better protection against chemicals and tend to be more UV-durable, potentially making them a longer-lasting choice.

As with many home maintenance upgrades, there's often a trade-off between upfront costs and longer-term savings. An acrylic sealer may cost you more when applying it to your driveway but can save you money by providing longer-lasting protection. On the other hand, choosing an asphalt emulsion sealer will let you keep more money in your pocket right now.

Contact a local asphalt seal coating service to learn more. 
