Maximizing Your Asphalt Pavement's Lifespan

Posted on: 21 April 2023

Due to its durability and longevity, asphalt is a popular choice for roads, driveways, and parking lots. However, asphalt surfaces are not immune to damage, leading to safety hazards and costly repairs if not addressed promptly. Identifying different types of asphalt damage is essential to maintain the surface's integrity and prolong its lifespan. Ignoring asphalt damage can result in many problems. These can include reduced surface life and much higher repair costs. Timely identification and repair of asphalt damage are crucial to ensure a safe and smooth driving experience while minimizing long-term costs.

Avoid Underestimating Cracks

Thermal fluctuations, water infiltration, and heavy loads can cause substantial cracks to form in asphalt surfaces. Temperature variations can also contribute to cracks by causing the asphalt to expand and contract, forming weak spots. Water infiltration can further weaken the asphalt's foundation, causing cracks to develop.

Failing to repair cracks in asphalt can lead to several problems. Cracks allow water to penetrate the surface, weakening the base and leading to more extensive damage. As cracks widen, they can transform into potholes or other forms of deterioration, resulting in safety hazards and higher repair costs.

Promptly Patch And Seal Potholes

Potholes form when water infiltrates the asphalt surface through existing cracks and weakens the underlying layers. As vehicles drive over the weakened area, the asphalt crumbles. This leads to potentially very large potholes forming. In addition to damaging your pavement, these potholes can damage vehicles that drive over them.

Repairing small potholes involves cleaning the area, filling it with asphalt, and compacting the fixed section. However, investing in repairing any drainage issues or other problems that may contribute to a pothole forming is also common.

Avoid Overlooking Any Depressions That Form In The Pavement

Depressions in asphalt refer to shallow, bowl-shaped indentations in the surface that collect water. Depressions are usually caused by poor compaction during the initial installation or settling of the underlying layers due to water infiltration or other factors.

Repairing depressions in asphalt typically involves removing the affected area, addressing any underlying issues contributing to the depression, and replacing the removed material with fresh, compacted asphalt. Often, these repairs will require soil stabilization measures to prevent the depression from returning.

Take Active Steps To Prevent Asphalt Damage

Regular maintenance is essential for minimizing the risk of your asphalt surfaces needing major repairs. This includes routine inspections to identify and repair cracks or other signs of damage. Furthermore, you can significantly extend the life of the asphalt by using a sealcoat that can block UV rays and water from degrading the surface of the pavement. Additionally, avoiding heavy loads or excessive traffic on the surface can help reduce the risk of damage.

For more information, contact asphalt paving contractors near you.
