Sun Damage And Your Asphalt Driveway

Posted on: 20 June 2023

Although asphalt feels solid, it has somewhat viscous petroleum binders that hold everything together. Over time, exposure to the drying heat and UV rays of the sun causes the binder to dry out, and this failure of the binder can lead to some common forms of asphalt damage. Recognizing, repairing, and preventing future damages can keep your driveway in good condition for a long time.

Types of Damage

Graveling is likely the most common type of severe asphalt damage. With graveling, the binder begins to shrink and release the gravel aggregate within the paving. This gravel then sits loosely on the driveway surface, which will begin to be pitted by the missing gravel as well. Graveling can be described as the slow erosion of your driveway's surface.

Drying binders can also cause cracks to open, which will collect moisture. The pits from the missing gravel also collect moisture. When this moisture freezes and expands, larger cracks and potholes will often form. If left unchecked, cracks and potholes will eventually reach into the base materials and compromise the integrity of the entire driveway.

Repair Options

Fortunately, sun damage can be repaired if it's caught early. The first task is always to patch deep cracks and potholes. Your asphalt service will clean debris out of the damaged areas first. Then they will apply a hot asphalt patching compound, which will bond with the surrounding asphalt. 

Graveling is more complicated to repair. Generally, the surface of the asphalt must be ground down to just below the layer that is affected by the graveling. Then a binder is applied over the top of the driveway, followed by a thick new layer of fresh asphalt. This repair is quite effective and the result looks like a brand-new driveway, without the expense and time of installing one.

Prevention Techniques

The best way to deal with sun-damaged asphalt is to take steps to ensure it doesn't happen. Regular asphalt seal coating provides this preventative solution. A new driveway can be seal coated after it has fully cured, which can take about six months, and then it will need re-applications of the coating every couple of years going forward.

A seal coat consists of a protective layer of asphalt mixed with sealants that help block out moisture along with UV rays. The purpose is to prevent the asphalt from drying out and graveling, while also slowing moisture absorption so cracks and potholes don't form.

To learn more, contact an asphalt paving service in your area such as Black Diamond Paving LLC
