Asphalt Driveway Repair: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posted on: 26 September 2023

Asphalt is a popular choice for driveways, as it is not only affordable but also durable. However, over time, the surface of an asphalt driveway can deteriorate, resulting in cracks, potholes, and other damages. These damages not only affect the appearance of the driveway but also increase the risk of additional damage and even accidents.

Fortunately, repairing an asphalt driveway is not difficult, and most homeowners can do it themselves with the right tools and materials. Here is a look at the steps involved in repairing an asphalt driveway, both as a DIY project and with professional methods.

Step 1 - Clean the Driveway

Before you can repair an asphalt driveway, you need to ensure it is clean and free of debris. Begin by using a broom to clear the driveway of any leaves, dirt, or debris that may have gathered over time. You can also use a pressure washer or a hose to wash the driveway and remove any stubborn stains.

Step 2 - Remove Damaged Asphalt

Once the driveway is clean, inspect it for any cracks, potholes, or other damages. Use a chisel or a screwdriver to remove any loose or damaged asphalt around the area. You may also need to use a hammer or a saw to break away any pieces that are deeply rooted in the driveway.

Step 3 - Fill the Cracks

After removing the damaged asphalt, fill any cracks with asphalt sealer or filler. For small cracks, you can use a liquid filler, while larger cracks may require a patching compound. Make sure you let the filler or compound dry completely before moving to the next step.

Step 4 - Patch the Potholes

To patch potholes, you will need to use a cold patching compound. This particular compound can be conveniently applied to the affected area, gradually solidifying as time passes. Make sure to apply the compound evenly and press it firmly into the pothole to ensure proper adhesion.

Step 5 - Sealcoat the Driveway

Once you have repaired the damaged area, apply a layer of sealcoat to protect the driveway from further damage. Sealcoating enhances the look of your driveway and provides added protection against water, UV rays, and other factors that can degrade the asphalt. The application of the sealcoat can be made using a brush, roller, or spray, based on your personal preference.

Professional Repair Methods

Although DIY repairs can help save costs, they may not be sufficient for addressing extensive damages to an asphalt driveway. In such cases, you may need to hire a professional asphalt repair company to fix the issue. Professional repair methods may include:

  • Asphalt overlays: This involves applying a thin layer of new asphalt over the old one, which can help to repair damages and improve the appearance of the driveway.
  • Infrared asphalt repair: This uses infrared technology to heat up the damaged area, which allows for easy removal and replacement of the asphalt.

Repairing an asphalt driveway may seem daunting, but with the right tools and materials, you can do it yourself and save money. To learn more about asphalt repairs, contact a local company.
